Criminal Defense
& DUI Defense
Searching for Criminal Defense or a DUI Attorney in East Tennessee? Call Pratt Caldwell Legal Group today to schedule a meeting and see how we can represent you.
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Criminal Defense by Pratt Caldwell Legal Group
With more than 15 years of experience in criminal law, we understand that being charged with a criminal offense can result in potentially life-changing consequences; some of these consequences are obvious. Other consequences may include an infringement upon constitutional rights, loss of employment, or residential restrictions; these consequences can prove just as costly.
Areas of Practice
- Homicides
- Sex offenses
- Violent crimes
- Misdemeanor offenses
- DUI/Driving offenses
DUI - Pratt Caldwell Legal Group, Your DUI Attorneys.
At Pratt Caldwell, we know that being charged with a DUI or other driving offense can be a frightening and intimidating experience. We want to stand alongside you by providing timely advice and counsel.
DUI defense is a technical field, requiring familiarity with the law, science, and facts of the case. Consult with a Pratt Caldwell attorney to defend against these charges.
Expungements and Diversions
Tennessee law allows for some offenses to either:
1) never go on your record; or
2) be removed from your record after a period of time.
Please contact the offices of Pratt Caldwell to see if we can assist you in best resolving your criminal matters.

Our locations
Pratt Caldwell Legal Group is here to provide East Tennesseans with decades of legal experience.

Knoxville, TN
705 Gate Lane
Suite 202
Knoxville, TN 37909
Office: (865) 769-6969
Fax: (865) 351-0013

Kingston, TN
119 N. Third Street
Kingston, TN 37763
Office: (865) 350-6622
Fax: (865) 351-0013

Athens, TN
404 N. Jackson Street
P.O. Box 931
Athens, TN 37371
Office: (865) 769-6969
Fax: (865) 351-0013